BCCSO Hosts NASA Technical Review Committee Meeting

The BCCSO team hosted its Technical Review Committee (TRC) Meeting from Goddard Space Flight Center on April 5, 2013. We were joined by the four TRC members: Dr. David Starr, TRC Committee Chair, Head Mesoscale Atmospheric Processes Brach, NASA Goddard; Dr. Omar Torres, Research Scientist, Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Brach, NASA Goddard; Dr. William Brune, Department Head, Distinguished Professor of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University; and Ms. Janie Nall, Lead for Minority Education Programs, NASA Goddard. Ms. Joeletta Patrick, Assistant Director STEM Education & Accountability, NASA headquarters, also joined us for the meeting. You can find a good descriptive essay help even without a previous registration at https://writingscentre.com/perfect-descriptive-essay/.
Also in attendance were Howard University administrators, Dr. Gary Harris, Dean of the Graduate School Dr. Prabhakar Misra, Interim Chair of the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Dr. Misra credited BCCSO for its role in increasing the number of enrolled Physics majors at Howard University to 36, a record high. The committee was particularly impressed with this fact; Ms. Nall said increased enrollment in NASA related fields is one of the most tangible outcomes of a program like a NASA URC. We are very proud and honored to have been a part of the department's success.
The committee was equally impressed by the work and research of BCCSO's PIs, collaborators, and students. All three of BCSSO's Doctoral Candidates, Charlene Lawson, Cassie Stearns, and Monique Walker, presented their dissertation research. There were also presentations by our principal investigators and subawardees. Overall, the 2013 meeting was a great success.
We would like to thank the NASA URC management team, the TRC committee members, as well as our colleagues at NASA Goddard for their support for the past four and a half years.
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