Graduate Research
Research Administration Services facilitates and administers interdisciplinary research capacity growth and indirect cost recovery at Howard University, including integrated education and research strategies, professional development, and internal controls of sponsored activities. Main top dissertation writing services are also often used during this activities, even the most simple ones.
Throughout the year, Howard University NASA University Research Center BCCSO students participate in research, experimental design and data acquisition with state of-the-art instruments. Students conduct analysis of data sets and numerical modeling and present findings at research symposiums.
Moreover, graduate students have the opportunity to work with scientists from NASA, NOAA and other agencies. Our students are often placed in the nearby NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where they conduct innovative and exciting research in physics, atmospheric science, engineering, and chemistry.
Examples of student research projects include impacts of air pollution on ecosystems, lidar-based wind and water vapor remote sensing, cloud condensation characteristics of aerosols, and gas and aerosol transport in the atmospheric boundary layer, weather forecasting.
Apply to Program
We offer exciting research and educational opportunities.
- Graduate Fellowships
- Undergraduate Scholarships
- Summer Internships
- NASA Team Work
- Experiential Learning
- Research