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Contact Us

For further information, please contact:

Everette Joseph
Director and Principal Investigator
Phone: 202.468.8715
Fax: 202.265.0871
Email: ejoseph [at] howard . edu

Demetrius Venable

Deputy Director and Co-Principal Investigator
Phone: 202.806.6259
Fax: 202.265.0871
Email: dvenable [at] howard . edu

Belay Demoz

Co-Principal Investigator
Phone: 202.806.6267
Fax: 202.265.0871
Email: bbdemoz [at] howard . edu

Katherine Cooke Mundle

NASA Grant - Program Manager
Phone: 202.806.9006
Fax: 202.265.0871
Email: kmundle [at] howard . edu

Teria Powell

NASA Grant – Administrative Assistant
Phone: 202.806.5172
Fax: 202.265.0871
Email: teria.powell [at] howard . edu